Qiang Costumes in Maoxian, Sichuan Province: The Revival of Chinese Minority Identity for Application in Design

design application, ethnic culture, heritage, Qiang costumes, traditional fabricAbstract
The purpose of this investigation was to fulfill three objectives: (1) to study the characteristics, connotations and reflected history and social development of Qiang costumes; (2) to study and analyze the cultural identity of Qiang Costumes for development into local products and (3) to design products inspired by Qiang Costumes in Maoxian County, Sichuan. The focus community was the Qiang people in Maoxian County, Sichuan Province, with the research population including local government workers, product sellers, design experts, and target consumers. Using a mixed-methods approach that combined qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the researchers gathered data through surveys, interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Results show that Qiang fabrics in Maoxian County are characterized by a number of local patterns, including fire, clouds, and flowers. These are incorporated into a rich and distinctive ethnic clothing identity. The researchers designed five everyday items based on the symbolism of Qiang clothing: a keychain, tableware, a bookmark, a fridge magnet, and a phone case. A questionnaire distributed to the target group found that the general level of consumer satisfaction with the products was at a very good level (x = 4.83). This investigation provides invaluable insights into the interplay between cultural preservation and economic development, highlighting the crucial role of integrating traditional Qiang culture into modern product design strategies.
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