Boundaries Through the Prism of Post-secondary and Professional Orientation: The Views of Young Québec Adults of Immigrant Background

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  • Fahimeh Darchinian Université de Montréal
  • Marie-Odile Magnan



ethnocultural boundaries, immigrant-background youth, majority/minority relations, orientation experience.


Based on our collection of life stories (n = 25), our qualitative study seeks to better understand, after the fact, how young, immigrant-background adults in Québec negotiate ethnocultural boundaries through their post-secondary and professional orientation experiences, particularly in terms of linguistic choices. The analyses highlight the strengthening of boundaries within Québec’s educational institutions and workplaces. The results expose different examples of racism experienced by young adults in their relations with the Québec francophone majority that led them to integrate into English-language post-secondary education and workplaces. In addition, young adults from “black” and “Arabic” minorities more frequently report racist attitudes from francophone Quebecers.


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How to Cite

Darchinian, F., & Magnan, M.-O. (2020). Boundaries Through the Prism of Post-secondary and Professional Orientation: The Views of Young Québec Adults of Immigrant Background. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 7(2), 50–67.



Original Manuscript
Received 2020-01-21
Accepted 2020-06-14
Published 2020-07-11