Vol. 8 No. 4: 2021
Original Manuscript
Parent Voices: Suggestions for Remote Learning during COVID Pandemic and Beyond
Abstract views: 1619 /
PDF downloads: 742
Create Teaching Creativity through Training Management, Effectiveness Training, and Teacher Quality in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract views: 1189 /
PDF downloads: 602
Analyzing Capital to be Developed In Language Learning Among Graduates: A Case Study to Employ Bourdieusian Stances
Abstract views: 712 /
PDF downloads: 331
The Time All San Francisco Fought Over School Fairness and Equality
Abstract views: 1138 /
PDF downloads: 490
The Exploitation of Indigenous Communities by Commercial Actors: Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expression
Abstract views: 1150 /
PDF downloads: 642
Ethnic Identity and Acculturation Orientation of Chinese Yi Villagers in the Context of Social Media
Abstract views: 6996 /
PDF downloads: 408
Analyzing Ethnocentric Immigration through the Case of Hungary – Demographic Effects of Immigration from Neighboring Countries to Hungary
Abstract views: 1231 /
PDF downloads: 421
Cultural Pluralism and Social Connectedness as Predictors of Immigrant Students’ Social Wellbeing and Achievements
Abstract views: 865 /
PDF downloads: 381
Straddling the Wall: Comparative Framing of Trump’s Border Wall in U.S. & Mexican Newspapers
Abstract views: 1225 /
PDF downloads: 383
Integrating Canadian Youth: The State of Intergroup Contact, Belonging, and Support for Immigration
Abstract views: 725 /
PDF downloads: 351 /
PDF downloads: 0
Interactive Effects of Stoicism and Religious Coping on Psychological Distress, Fatigue and Intercultural Communication: Muslim Health Workers in Bali
Abstract views: 1561 /
PDF downloads: 894
Documenting Mexican Folk-art Linguistic Heritage: The Application of the Sets Theory to Determine its Common Terminology
Abstract views: 316 /
PDF downloads: 326
Teacher's Strategy for Implementing Multiculturalism Education Based on Local Cultural Values and Character Building for Early Childhood Education
Abstract views: 2967 /
PDF downloads: 1480
Views of Adolescent Bhutanese Refugees on Home Learning During School Shutdown Across the Period of COVID-19
Abstract views: 2395 /
PDF downloads: 397
Social Work Practices in the Multiethnic Urban Reality of Covid-19 in the Middle East: The Case of UAE
Abstract views: 626 /
PDF downloads: 374
Antecedents of Public Trust in Government During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Mediation of Perceived Religious Values
Abstract views: 928 /
PDF downloads: 535
Book Reviews
Past and Present Colonialist Practices: Violence in Indigenous Communities
Abstract views: 234 /
PDF downloads: 219