The Central Government’s Role in Cultural Sustainability and Developing Tourism to Support Rural Economies: A Systematic Analysis

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  • Suwaib Amiruddin Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtyasa
  • Setia Budhi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Ellyn Normelani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


Scenario-based Planning, Future Study, Tourism Strategies, Historical and Cultural Values, Cultural Sustainability


Tourism has become one of the most important sectors in developed and developing nations. Besides, cultural sustainability depicts the socio-economic progress and the cultural integrity of a community, which further attracts tourists from all over the globe. Hence, future study methodologies have become vital to project cultural sustainability and develop the tourism sector to attract international visitors, which has been utilized in the current study. The future study methodologies, particularly scenario formulation, helps address problems at regional and national levels based on strategic flexibility. Hence, a future study analysis has been used to assess the cultural stability and the linked economic benefits in the tourism sector in Indonesia. Moreover, the current study utilizes a systematic analysis approach to project the future role of the central government to sustain cultural values and develop the tourism sector to economically support the rural communities in Indonesia. Two ways were used to collect the data for the current study, i.e., literature review and experts’ opinion in the form of interviews and via a self-administrative survey. The questionnaire was formulated based on the Cross-impact Direct Influence (CDI) matrix. Scenario Wizard software and MICMAC analysis were employed to analyze the data.  The findings of the MICMAC analysis presented 13 key/important constructs with the predominant roles in sustaining cultural values and developing the Indonesian tourism system in the future. In addition, 35 possible states of the key constructs were identified and conceptualized in the second phase using the Scenario-Wizard Method. Results revealed the four scenarios with stronger consistencies. Scenario 1 was found with the most desirable and ideal features to derive Indonesia’s cultural sustainability and future tourism sector developments.  The current study is a valuable addition to the cultural and tourism literature depicting the key drivers that all developed and developing nations can consider for the growth of their tourism sector. Moreover, this study is novel in methodological terms applying future study analysis to bring valuable insights.


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Author Biographies

Suwaib Amiruddin, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtyasa

Study Program of Sociology

Setia Budhi, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Study Program of Sociology

Ellyn Normelani, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Study Program of Geography


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How to Cite

Amiruddin, S., Budhi, S., & Normelani, E. (2022). The Central Government’s Role in Cultural Sustainability and Developing Tourism to Support Rural Economies: A Systematic Analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 9(2), 151–170. Retrieved from



Original Manuscript
Received 2022-03-29
Accepted 2022-04-14
Published 2022-05-09