Being a First-Generation Migrant Family Student in Finland: Perceptions and experiences of the Educational Journey to Higher Education

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  • Golaleh Makrooni Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Education and Culture at Tampere University



family values, first generation migrant family students, friendship, grounded theory, higher education, institutional values.


This research aimed to investigate the situation of first-generation migrant family students (FGMFSs) in higher education in Finland and determined how FGMFSs experience and perceive their educational journey to achieve higher education. The study focused on the factors that support students to be successful in their education. Fifteen first generation students in higher education who belong to migrant families in Finland were surveyed utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews. In this qualitative study, grounded theory (GT) was used to identify emerging latent patterns from data. Three main categories family values, institutional values, and interpersonal relationships were identified to support students to be successful in their education and enter higher education. The results of this study can help educational institutions, educators, and policy makers understand what factors are important in improving educational success for migrant students.


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Author Biography

Golaleh Makrooni, Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Education and Culture at Tampere University

Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University


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How to Cite

Makrooni, G. (2019). Being a First-Generation Migrant Family Student in Finland: Perceptions and experiences of the Educational Journey to Higher Education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(3), 157–170.



Original Manuscript
Received 2019-09-28
Accepted 2019-11-12
Published 2019-12-18